Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Team ICO's The Last Guardian

For any who is interested in the new team ICO game the last guardian. New screenshots look wonderful:)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

King of Kong Rematch!

So I don't know if any of you know but a documentary called The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters came out in 2007. Its a story about a competition to hold the number one position at Donkey Kong. For those who don't know, this is a game where you play as jumpman (mario), while leaping and bounding over a barrel at a time, trying to free the princess from the brute they call Donkey Kong.

The movie is amazing and kinda...very sad when it comes to Billy (the present day champion holder). At the beginning of watching this I couldn't tell if this was a joke or not. BUT it isn't. Steve Wiebe is the man who tried ever so hard to claim the number one position. Eventually he did receive it, but was quickly taken away by Billy Mitchell again.

BUT at E3 he will have the chance to take it back and reclaim the title. If you haven't seen the movie, you really should. The competition will take place on June 2nd 2009, ill definitely be watching and rooting for Steve!

A picture of Billy Mitchell (how majestic he is)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Street Fighter lost in Translation

Well I don't know if any of you know (or care) but a street fighter movie The Legend of Chun-Li just came out. Reviews have been dismal and I was wondering why this always happen, especially with Street Fighter.

In terms of the video game series itself its been recognized as one of the best fighting series since 1987. Lately a new game came out and has been critically acclaimed by everyone... But unfortunately other media formats have not been that kind to this series...

A rather promiscuous scene in the horrible americanized Street Fighter anime.

God I miss the 90s

The infamous Street Fighter movie ending

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ný Batterí and Fljótavik

Sigur Rós - Ný Batterí from Czlowiek Kamera on Vimeo.

Sigur Rós - Fljótavik from Czlowiek Kamera on Vimeo.
Two of my favorite Sigur Ros songs. Absolutely beautiful and haunting. I really like these versions that I found and I suggest that you click it to its home page and watch it in HD and full screen it!

Maybe one day I can make something half as good.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009